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Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

We do not charge any delivery fees. The only taxes you will pay can be in the goods destination country. Where your country can charge you for taxes based on national rules.

We accept Apple Pay, Google Pay the most, and any credit card.

Delivery time depends on our suppliers and on the delivery country. Delivery time can run from 48 hours up to 30 days.

All our data is protected by a secure SSL certificate as well as our server that follows severe actions to protect the site and our customer data and privacy. All your personal information is secured and protected on our company server in a separate path.

After you make your order, the process will begin and within 24 hours you will get the order confirmation. Once your order is confirmed we will send you the tracking code (as soon as it will be available). We will be glad to assist you at any time using our support mail

Yes. You will receive an automatic invoice to your email registered address. Also if you want to make a present for your friends and family you can add a destination address that can be different from your personal address.

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